Monday 16 May 2022

Another Update!

I now know how to post via email so blogging is a great deal easier! Well done to the team at

Now back to the website!

Keep on reading!



So here we are; the first novel in my 'Skipper' series is now finished and in the editing process! I'm busy sourcing cover designers at the moment and loving managing the process myself. 

Independent authorship is a a challenge on the first iteration but there are so many sources of guidance and information that I've never really been totally lost. I can't recommend Joanna Penn enough (link here). Joanna's businesslike and sensible approach has been a real help.

I'm off to do more work on the website so please keep an eye open for my next update! 

Keep on reading!


Fishermens' Jerseys (Ganzies)

Musings on 'Ganseys' While writing my subscriber newsletter for 'The Skipper' series of novels, I found myself wittering on ...